2025-03-10 - الإثنين

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Zain’s 2025 Ramadan video focuses on people “belonging, resisting, and rebuilding the land” they own and love

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Zain’s 2025 Ramadan video focuses on people "belonging, resisting, and rebuilding the land” they own and love

-TVC going viral on all major Social Media channels with over 6 million views within a few days

-Triggering conversations and touching hearts on controversial topics

With its renown pioneering spirit, Zain Group unveiled a daring Ramadan video (TVC) for 2025 (

), the first to be filmed on location across Gaza, Lebanon, and other affected regions, reminding the global community that the Zain brand is there with them, and for them, at all times.

Airing on local TV channels and showcased on Zain’s YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn and X social media channels, the commercial brings together authentic imagery with a captivating narrative of perseverance but also defiance.

Within a few days of launch, the TVC witnessed over 6 million views with tens of thousands of comments and support of the video concept. The campaign is accompanied by the hashtag #سجلنا_حضور , encouraging audiences to share their own stories of being present for their land.

The video concept

The concept of the video captures the unyielding spirit of those who remain firm in the face of adversity. The impactful TVC delivers a strong message: "The people of the land are, and always will be, present, standing firm in their love and devotion to their land, no matter the challenges they face.”

Using a play on the word "attendance”, the TVC reinforces that true "presence" is not just about showing up somewhere and claiming it, it is about ‘belonging, resisting, and rebuilding’.

Adding to the emotional depth of the campaign is the voice of renowned artist Majed Al Mohandes, whose brilliant performance transforms the soundtrack into an anthem of resilience and hope.

The film also features Maria from Gaza, the little girl who became famous for her powerful speech to U.S. President Donald Trump, firmly stating that she will not leave her home and asking him if he would leave the States and live somewhere else.

Another important inclusion is Renad, the young chef from Gaza who became known for her cooking on social media during the relentless bombings.

These young people’s presence is a testament to the determination of the region’s people, no matter their age.

One powerful visual in the commercial is a flagpole showing multiple symbolic elements: the Lebanese cedar tree, representing strength and endurance; Gaza’s keys, a symbol of the right of return; and Syria’s oud string instrument, reflecting resilience through art. The flagpole carries a flag that reads a declaration of the power of strong, peaceful souls capable of restoring nations.

As the video unfolds, it reveals a crystal-clear statement: "Whoever tries to take over the land and reshape it by building rivieras, will fail. This land is not for sale and its people will always rise from the rubbles to reclaim and rebuild it with love and hope.”

The TVC’s original idea was generated by Zain Group’s branding team and produced by Joy Productions in Kuwait. It was directed by Samir Abboud from Lebanon and features artist Majed Al Mohandes; the girls vocals were by Maryam Shehab; Lyrics by Heba Hamada; Music Composition by Ehab Abdulwahed; Music Arrangement by Michel Fadel; and the Production House was VIP Films.

An annual ground-breaking Ramadan TVC

Every Ramadan, Zain seeks to present a new message in its TVCs that touches upon the most relevant issues in life, and this year was no different. In previous TVCs, Zain has addressed peace and tolerance, and highlighted the suffering of refugees, and the effects of disputes and conflicts on people regionally as well as a message of hope during the COVID crisis. The company has also partnered with global entities including the United Nations to achieve its sustainability and humanitarian goals and communicated such in its Ramadan TVCs.

It is central to Zain that its commercials reflect the values of its brand, which is based on being a cornerstone of every community and country in which it serves, supporting perseverance and defiance against injustice. Zain views itself as a facilitator that enables people to enjoy aspects of their lives and sharing occasions with friends and family seamlessly.


About Zain Group: A leading provider of innovative ICT technologies and digital lifestyle communications operating in eight markets across the Middle East and Africa, serving 49 million active customers as of 31 December 2024. With a commercial presence in 8 countries, Zain provides mobile voice, data and B2B services in: Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and South Sudan. Headquartered in the UAE, ZainTECH, the Group’s one-stop digital and ICT solutions provider, is playing a key role in the digital transformation of enterprise and government clientele across the MENA region. Also UAE based, Zain Omantel International (ZOI) is revolutionizing the international telecommunications wholesale landscape as the premier wholesale powerhouse serving regional operators, international carriers, and global hyperscalers. In Morocco, Zain has a 15.5% stake in ‘INWI’, through a joint venture. Zain is listed on the Boursa Kuwait (stock ticker: ZAIN). We recommend the Investor Community to download the "Zain Group Investor Relations” Mobile AppFor more, please emailinfo@zain.com or visit: www.zain.com;www.facebook.com/zain; www.twitter.com/zain; www.youtube.com/zain;

">www.instagram.com/zaingroup; www.linkedin.com/company/zain



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